I bought myself a new dildo on the Venus in Berlin because the first one I bought 2 weeks ago was on the smaller side. Then I also find colorful dildos (purple) just awesome :-) Because I liked Doggy the best so far, I also shot the video for you in Doggy Style :-) I hope you enjoy it and have been a little forgiving with me since I mean Videos all turn itself and also cut etc :-) Kissal your Sofie

You like a nasty tasty Pissfotzen and love to be pissed from top to bottom? Well then you have to go for a walk with me. Because I had to go to the bathroom so badly because my bladder was full again. Unfortunately, everywhere were people, but no matter I just sat in front of a barbecue and pissing; D. And my girlfriend has nothing better to do than to film that, but good for you, right? ;-) Imagine you are lying directly under me and want to catch every drop! How would it then go on with us? :-)

While I enjoy sucking my lollipop, I try to focus on learning. Unfortunately that does not work so well. I can not stop imagining that I'm currently sucking something else. The thought gets me going in such a way that I have to put it in me. I lick it off again. Hmmmmm ... so lucky that I have a nice new toy. Do you want to play with me? In the end there's also a countdown for both of us;)